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来源:PP助手 | 时间:2015-10-20 16:55:20 | 阅读:82 |  标签: iPhone   | 分享到:

iPhone 6s+:照片质量非常棒。低光照环境下拍摄表现出色。不得不说,和 6s 比起来防抖性能更好,尤其是在拍摄视频的时候。

Now here is the thing: I did the test zooming into every image of each device while sticking my head into a 27" cinema-display. 999 out of 1000 people won't ever do the same and won't see any difference either. When I am saying that a camera is "better" it's like a photo-finish between the whole 6-series with a "s" advantage.

补充:我在完成这次测试的过程中,是将照片放到一个 27 寸的液晶显示器上并放大到 100% 查看。我想,绝大部分普通人都不会做同样的事情,也不会明显感觉到不同设备之间拍出的照片有什么不同。当我在文章中谈论某一个设备拍出的照片「更好」时,这里的「更好」不代表天壤之别,可能仅仅类似于 iPhone 多一个 s 而已。

You will get a good camera with the 6 and especially the 6+, but the +4mpx (more cropping freedom), way better front-camera (hello Snapchat), very good HDR mode (even with harsh backlight) and 4k video capability is a clear deal-maker if you are into photography and social media in general.

从 6 开始,相机的成像明显好了许多,尤其是 6+。6s 及 6s+ 多出的 400 万像素使照片的可编辑尺寸更大了。升级后的前置摄像头让你玩 Snapchat 的时候更畅快了。更好的夜间成像效果以及 4K 视频录制都成了摄影师和社交控们的福音。







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