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来源:PP助手 | 时间:2015-10-20 16:55:20 | 阅读:54 |  标签: iPhone   | 分享到:

iPhone 6: least good one of the 6-series but still a decent choice - you'll get better images than with it's predecessors, especially in darker situations.

iPhone 6s: I really wanted you to do awesome, because the camera is the only thing that would make me switch from the 5s to a bigger phone. I have to say that 12mpx are very tempting and the better processor is helping a lot with crisp hdr images and noise reduction. I think the level of detail could be just a software thing - it will keep up with the 6+ and 6+s' sharpness with some very simple editing steps.

iPhone 6+: you really did surprise me in both tests. Clear images, good noise reduction/handling and always on point! Another thing I really liked about you has been the big screen for taking pictures - it's huge!

iPhone 6s+: the best in terms of image quality. Superb low-light and great overall performance - not to mention the extremely better image stabilization (compared to the 6s) while shooting video.

iPhone 4s:已经过时了。

iPhone 5s:看起来勉强还可以。

iPhone 6:不及预期,但仍然是不赖的选择。比起之前的系列当然要好得多,尤其是在暗光环境中拍摄。

iPhone 6s:真的很棒,我想说相机的改善是唯一促使我从 5s 换成更大号手机的原因。不得不说,1200 万像素以及更好的传感器是非常诱人的。当然,这也使得 HDR 模式更为出色,噪点改善也非常明显。我一直认为细节修饰很多时候是能通过软件(应用)后期完善的,正如 6+ 在某些时候表现的过于锐利可以简单的几步后期就能搞定。

iPhone 6+:在两次的测试中真的表现的非常棒。清晰的照片,良好的噪点控制以及没有跑焦的情况发生。另外,我真的喜欢用大屏幕的手机拍照片,爽爆了。







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