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来源:互联网 | 时间:2015-05-21 15:23:57 | 阅读:162 |  标签: 魔兽世界wow   | 分享到:

When Gul'dan brought his gift to the Sargerei, Velhari had already made her ambitions clear and risen through the ranks with brutal ferocity. Known to her enemies as the Tyrant, Velhari was one of the first to accept the fel touch, further enhancing her combat prowess. Velhari now bears a mockery of the holy symbol of the Naaru, signifying her conviction to the new order.

玛诺洛斯 Mannoroth



Bloodthirsty and brutal, Mannoroth was Archimonde's most feared enforcer, until he was felled by a mighty blow from Grommash's blade. Even in death, his blood was used by Gul'dan to fuel a dark bargain with the Iron Horde and their allies. Gul'dan and his minions now seek to reanimate the shattered remains of Mannoroth, that he may continue to serve the Legion.

阿克蒙德 Archimonde



One of the original eredar who betrayed the draenei of Argus to take his place as the sinister hand of the dark titan Sargeras, Archimonde the Defiler commands the military might of the Burning Legion. He arrives in Draenor, reaching across space and time, to ensure that the invasion of Azeroth proceeds as planned, and that Gul'dan does not fail his Legion masters.







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