- 软件大小:1.36 MB
- 软件厂商:暂无
- 软件语言:简体中文/繁体中文
- 软件授权:免费软件
- 软件评级:
- 应用平台:Vista/XP/2K/9X
- 更新时间:2014.02.25
很多程序能读写 IPTC 属性,iTag能批量加上去
iTag is a utility that allows you to easily add title, des cription and keyword tags to your digital photos. The data you enter is stored into the actual photo file itself - using the open standard of IPTC.
Many applications can read/write the IPTC data, but iTag is especially powerful at editing a group of photos all at once. Geocoding your photos is also straight forward by drag and dropping Google Earth placemarks (*.kml, *.kmz).
An even faster way is to simply copy a placemark to the clipboard, which iTag can detect. When geocoding, the data can optionally be saved as IPTC tags (FlickrFly style), to the EXIF fields, or both.
Photos geocoded with WWMX Location Stamper are also recognised and can be viewed in Google Earth. Groups of photos can be selected and viewed in Google Earth. There is also an option to convert GPX tracklogs to Google Earth format.