说起Nimblebit这个名字,大家可能并不熟悉,但是如果说起他们的作品《Tiny Tower》和《Pocket Frogs》,你可能就会连连点头了。尤其是前作,可说是像素风经营游戏的集大成之作。而现在,同样是像素风,同样是经营模拟,口袋飞机来了!游戏中你需要规划航线,来运送世界各地的客人,发送货物。还需要考虑不同飞机的航程,燃油,载客数量等。你还可以设计自己的飞机。
Thanks fflying with NimbleBit!
- Added tweet button to Flight Crew menu
- Fixed crash when returning to app while Game Center window was up
- Removed vibration from in-game -down alerts
- Fixed crash on resume
- Some spelling corrections
- Prevented clearing of achievements
- Fixed crash when plane lands while manifest is up
- Fixed curspositioning on Flight Crew menu